Traffic-Drive CJ/TGP v6.03 free
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Manual    Main Table    Settings

Main Table
  • domain - the domain of the trader.
    Each domain is unique and corresponds to one trade. When moving mouse over the domain of trade, url of trade is shown in statusbar. nourl - service domain.

  • tp - type of trade.
    Defines the algorithm of calculation of the debt to trader (owed).
    There are 5 types of trade:
    - a - calculating of the debt to trader (owed) average value of raw ins (rin) and clicks (cl) for last 24 hours is count up to trader.
    - c - calculating of the debt to trader (owed) the quantity of clicks (cl) for last 24 hours is count up to trader.
    - u - calculating of the debt to trader (owed) the quantity of unique ins (uin) for last 24 hours is count up to trader.
    - r - calculating of the debt to trader (owed) the quantity of raw ins (rin) for last 24 hours is count up to trader.
    - f - only forces. In this case the duty is not taken into account. In the priority order only the quantity of forces (frn) set for him are sent to trader.
    Algorithms of calculation of the debt to trader (owed) at different types of trade:
    a: dowed = (rin23 + cl23)/2*rat/100 - out23
    c: dowed = cl23*rat/100 - out23
    u: dowed = uin23*rat/100 - out23
    r: dowed = rin23*rat/100 - out23

    a: owed = dowed + (rin + cl)/2*rat/100 - out + fr
    c: owed = dowed + cl*rat/100 - out + fr
    u: owed = dowed + uin*rat/100 - out + fr
    r: owed = dowed + rin*rat/100 - out + fr

  • tr - type of site of the trader.
    Allows to direct proceeding traffic considering presence of pictures/movies on site of trader. This value is shared with options of exit. Division of traders by type of sites allows to raise productivity on trader's site in case of presence of mixed (pictures/movies) traffic on the own site.
    There are 3 types of site of trader:
    - a - the site of trader contains both pictures and movies or links to them
    - p - the site of trader contains only pictures or links to them
    - m - the site of trader contains only movies or links to them

  • rat - ratio.
    A multiplier used at calculation of the debt to trader (owed). The higher ratio, the prioritier given trade is.

  • owed - the debt to trader.
    Main value which is used at distribution of proceeding traffic. Calculated by default once per minute (the interval of calculation can be changed in settings). Those, who have this value higher, receive exits to the trade first. Can be both positive and negative value. Negative value testifies that according to the conditions set for trade (type of trade (tp), ratio (rat)) the trader is in arrears. Positive value testifies that according to the conditions set for trade (type of trade (tp), ratio (rat)) you are in arrears for trader. It is not necessary to pay attention to insignificant deviations owed from zero (as in positive, and in negative sides) is a normal condition of functioning of script. In case of identical conditions of trade big differences of the debt to traders (owed) testify the general unsteady condition of the site (there is growth, falling or significant redistribution of traffic). In the set mode values of the debt to traders (owed) to the majority of traders are usually differ a little.
    Algorithms of calculation of the debt to trader (owed) at different types of trade:
    a: dowed = (rin23 + cl23)/2*rat/100 - out23
    c: dowed = cl23*rat/100 - out23
    u: dowed = uin23*rat/100 - out23
    r: dowed = rin23*rat/100 - out23

    a: owed = dowed + (rin + cl)/2*rat/100 - out + fr
    c: owed = dowed + cl*rat/100 - out + fr
    u: owed = dowed + uin*rat/100 - out + fr
    r: owed = dowed + rin*rat/100 - out + fr

  • frn - force right now.
    Forced quantity of proceeding traffic in the current hour. The prioritiest value which is used at distribution of proceeding traffic. In the beginning of each hour the quantity of traffic set frn is always distributed. After delivery of certain, by frn values, quantities of proceeding traffic, the further distribution is processed according to duties to traders (owed). In the beginning of each hour frn value is undertaken from the hourly schedule (fr), set for the given trader. You can set or change frn value in any moment in mode of editing of trade.

  • a - current group/condition of trade.
    Allows to direct proceeding traffic according to the division accepted by you (for example division on niches). This value is shared with options of exit. If a is equal 0 - given trade is held. In such condition the given trade does not receive proceeding traffic in any case, irrespective of owed and frn (exception - option of an exit o.php?, at which the site is specified obviously). In the beginning of each hour value a is undertaken from the hourly schedule (st), set for the given trader. At each recalculation current conformity of trade to conditions of the triggers set for it is checked. If conditions are not processed - the given trade stops (a is reset to 0). If conditions are processed - value a is undertaken from the hourly schedule (st), set for the given trader. You can set or change a in any moment in mode of editing of trade. In mode of editing of trade it is also possible to cancel check of triggers in the current hour.

  • st - group of trade for the current hour from the schedule.

  • fr - quantity of forced exits for the current hour from the schedule.

  • Main values of trade:
    rin - quantity of raw ins from trader in current hour
    uin - quantity of unique ins from trader in current hour
    cl - quantity of clicks to other trades from the trader in current hour
    gcl - quantity of clicks on real content (galleries) from the trader in current hour
    pr - valid productivity. Ratio of quantity of clicks to other trades to quantity of raw ins from trader in current hour
    out - quantity of proceeding traffic to the trader in current hour
    Last 23 hours:
    rin - quantity of raw ins from trader in last 23 hours
    uin - quantity of unique ins from trader in last 23 hours
    cl - quantity of clicks to other trades from the trader in last 23 hours
    gcl - quantity of clicks on real content (galleries) from the trader in last 23 hours
    pr - valid productivity. Ratio of quantity of clicks to other trades to quantity of raw ins from trader in last 23 hours
    out - quantity of proceeding traffic to the trader in last 23 hours

  • dowed - duty to the trader at the beginning of hour.
    It is used at calculating owed.
    Algorithms of calculation of the debt to trader in the beginning of hour (dowed) at different types of trade:
    a: dowed = (rin23 + cl23)/2*rat/100 - out23
    c: dowed = cl23*rat/100 - out23
    u: dowed = uin23*rat/100 - out23
    r: dowed = rin23*rat/100 - out23

  • ditr - daily in trigger.
    It is checked only if nonzero value of trigger is set.
    If the quantity of raw ins from trader in last 24 hours including current is less ditr - trade stops (a is reset to 0).
    Trade stops if [rin24] < [ditr]
    rin24 - quantity of raw ins from trade in last 24 hours including current

  • hitr - in trigger for previous hour.
    It is checked only if nonzero value of trigger is set.
    If the quantity of raw ins from trader in previous hour is less hitr - trade stops (a is reset to 0).
    Trade stops if [rin_previous_hour] < [hitr]
    rin_previous_hour - the quantity of raw ins from trader in previous hour

  • dotr - daily out trigger.
    Restriction of exit. It is checked only if nonzero value of trigger is set.
    If a difference of quantity of the exits to the trade in last 24 hours including current and raw ins from the trade in last 24 hours including current is more dotr - trade stops (a reset to 0).
    Trade stops if [out24 - rin24] > [dotr]
    out24 - quantity of exits to the trade in last 24 hours including current
    rin24 - quantity of raw ins from the trade in last 24 hours including current

  • hotr - out trigger for previous hour.
    Restriction of exit. It is checked only if nonzero value of trigger is set.
    If a difference of quantity of the exits to the trade in previous hour current and raw ins from the trade in in previous hour is more hotr - trade stops (a reset to 0).
    Trade stops if [out_previous_hour - rin_previous_hour] > [hotr]
    out_previous_hour - quantity of exits to the trade in previous hour
    rin_previous_hour - quantity of raw ins from the trade in previous hour

  • nourl - service domain.
    Shows statistics from bookmarks traffic, for traffic from sites which are not traders, and also overflows (repeated clicks from same IP, for example if program of download is used). Overflows are getting to extra url, set in administrator's interface. nourl has 0 group in the schedule. Do not set nonzero groups in the schedule for nourl, otherwise nourl will behave as usual trade.

  • Additional designations:
    Trades suspended in present moment are highlighted with dark-grey color in table.
    Colors of display of groups in table are changeable in settings. Color is set in #ffffff format.
